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The TAMU Undergraduate Entomology Student Organization (UESO) works to bring Aggies of all majors together to improve people skills and their knowledge about new entomological activities through...


-Promote Ukrainian culture and traditions to the Texas A&M University by organizing lectures, seminars, and social activities.  Helping new Ukrainian students at Texas A&M University by welcoming...


To play Ultimate every week, and to represent Texas A&M at collegiate Ultimate Frisbee tournaments around Texas and the US.


To unite as a body for the residents and coordinate all matters concerning residence life, combining our resources to improve the social, cultural, recreational, and intellectual atmosphere within our...


Are you interested in joining an organization that helps children in more than 190 countries and territories? What is UNICEF? UNICEF is an organization of over 10,000 men and women around the...


The organization's purpose is to: 1) Teach students about music written primarily for the wind band. 2) Teach students the basics of music theory. 3) Teach students how to sight read wind band...


The purpose of the Urology Interest Group is to introduce medical students to the exciting filed of urology. Our members are medical students who have demonstrated an interest in pursuing the field of...

Recognized with Restrictions

The Ultra Running Team of Texas A&M University aims to provide a safe environment and an opportunity for students to learn about the sport of Ultra Running. The Ultra Running Team of Texas A&M...

Not Recognized

The purpose of the USAC is to represent the undergraduate student body in the Department of Chemical Engineering. The Council will be a clear line of communication and feedback loop between students...

Not Recognized

U in the Driver Seat (UDS) is a peer-to-peer safety program for college students. The goal of UDS is to raise awareness of driving impaired and prevent crashes involving college students.

Not Recognized

Ubuntu is a group formed by students from Texas A&M to assist Bulembu Ministries, a not for profit in Swaziland. The group was established to increase awareness about Bulembu within the United States...

Not Recognized
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Not Recognized

The Undergraduate Science Research Club (USRC) welcomes all undergraduate students who share a common interest in scientific research. Our organization was founded in 2006 by biochemistry student Ben...

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To empower students in making our world a better, healthier place through awareness, prevention, and treatment of infectious diseases.

(Icon) • Not Recognized

UCM is an open and affirming authentic Christian community with a passion for the prophet Micah's call to "do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with God." Join us for opportunities to grow...

(Icon) • Not Recognized

This chapter will implement the purpose of USITT as stated in Article 11, Section 1 of the By-Laws (National - and will encourage the performing arts...

Not Recognized

To provide an opportunity for students who are are members of, or interested in, Unity Church to have a group of like-minded students for discussion and fellowship. For more information on Unity, see...

Not Recognized

The mission of University Blood Initiative is to establish a collaborative network of strong, local, and independent blood centers constantly at the cutting edge of society, systems, science, and...

(Icon) • Not Recognized

The mission of UPE shall be the recognition and promotion of high scholarship and original investigations in the several branches of the Computing and Information Disciplines.

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The URSSO, serving as the Urban and Regional Sciences Student Organization in the Department of Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning at Texas A&M University, exists to share and discuss...

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