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Welcome to the Visitors Center! The training modules below do not grant official credit for Student Activities recognition.
If you are an advisor or student leader, you must log in to receive training credit.

Online Training Visitors Center

Available Modules

Advisor Training

If you are an advisor or student leader, you must log in before selecting a training module to receive credit.

Advisor Essentials
This training session covers the core details of leading a student organization at Texas A&M University. All organization officers are required to complete this course as part of their training.
Advisor Essentials Part 2: Student Organization Finance
This course provides a general overview of policies and processes for managing your organization’s financial responsibilities through the Student Organization Finance Center.
Introduction to Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)
The mental health and wellness of every Aggie is important for our university, and your organization, to succeed. This module introduces you to the Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) office and overviews the kind of services they offer to our students. If you see any behaviors or speech from students in any level of your organization that are concerning, or if you think someone could benefit from a simple check-in with our mental health professionals on campus, refer and connect them to the resources found in this module.
Hazing Prevention
Hazing continues to negatively impact the lives of college students across the country. Here at Texas A&M, we are committed to eliminating hazing in our organization community and promoting a positive educational experience for all Aggies. This module defines hazing, outlines accountability measures, and provides additional resources for organizations to enhance their members' experience while avoiding hazing behaviors.
Gambling Activities at Organization Events
When it comes to hosting events that include gambling activities, there are a number of state laws and university rules to be mindful of so your organization does not unknowingly misstep. This module includes procedures for student organizations hosting events that may include bingo, raffles, and silent auctions while also identifying what kinds of gambling activities are prohibited.
The Simple Guide for Special Event Insurance
Navigating the Special Event Insurance process can be confusing. This training overviews the Special Event Insurance process and helps you determine when insurance is an effective tool to utilize as well as knowing when it is necessary.
Effective Officer Transitions and Selection Practices
This module will provide students and advisors with the information and tools necessary for a successful officer transition, a process critical to the longevity of any organization.
Student Organization Travel
For organization events that take place more than 25 miles from Texas A&M's campus, there are a number of laws, rules, and processes that student leaders and advisors need to be aware of. This module will provide you with the necessary information to conducting these events in line with university expectations and focuses on how to ensure these events are safe and effective for your organization.
Enhancing Your Communication Skills
Student Organization Recognition Overview
Every year organizations must renew their recognition status with the university. This module provides an overview of the recognition process, defines helpful terms, and instructs you on how to complete this process in the most efficient and effective way.
Ensuring Organization Accessibility
We are committed to making Aggieland an accessibility learning environment for every student, staff member, and guest. Student organization play a critical role in helping make that goal a reality. This module provides a starting point for officers and advisors to understand their responsibility in making their organizations accessible. It also presents resources and suggestions on how to begin the journey of making your organization one in which every Aggie is able to participate.
Responding to Alcohol & Other Drug Usage
While organization leaders and advisors are not responsible for the personal choices of their organization members, there are times where personal choices can interact with organization events. In this module we walk through how to respond and care for fellow Aggies who may be misusing alcohol and other drugs. Our goal is that we all would be prepared to act in an instance where a member of our community may be in danger due to overuse of these substances. In partnership with Health Promotion, we engineered this module to outline how these substances interact with the body and mind, the signs to know if someone may be experiencing health issues, and resources on how to respond most effectively.
Interpersonal Violence Prevention
We are committed to making Aggieland a safe and engaging educational environment for anyone connected to A&M. We also know that, at time, situations of interpersonal violence or inappropriate interactions may happen on our campus or in our organizations. In this module, our partners at Health Promotion help us unpack the many ways Interpersonal Violence could manifest around you and the strategies to use to help prevent these behaviors.
Youth Protection
Any event involving youth participants is required to meet additional expectations from the State of Texas and Texas A&M University. The University Youth Programs office has helped us craft a module to overview the requirements for all university entities who choose to host a program involving youth. This module outlines those expectations for organizations who host such events, as well as identifies necessary resources on our campus to assist you in planning youth events.
Reviewing Contracts as an Advisor
This module will provide information, tools, and resources for reviewing organization contracts as a recognized student organization advisor.
Utilizing the Get Involved Event Planning Form
This training will provide you with the tools and resources you need to be able to learn how to utilize the event management function within the Get Involved organization management platform. We hope you gain more insight on how to use this portion of Get Involved for your organization.
SOFC Marketplace Training
TAMU Marketplace is an online mall where student organizations can open a storefront to sell merchandise, collect dues and registration fees, as well as small donations. This module is required for organization members assigned as store clerks for their organization. Each organization must submit an updated Marketplace Agreement and all users must complete this training annually to retain access to store management. For questions regarding this module or Marketplace, please contact
Student Organization Marketing and Communications for Advisors
This training will provide you with the tools and resources you need to effectively manage the public face of your organization and help build your literacy within the marketing and communications world. Whether you're new to leading a recognized student organization or have been doing it for years, this training module will provide valuable information to help you manage your organization's identity and communicate it to the world.
Advanced Risk Management for Advisors
Welcome to the Advanced Risk module, designed for student organization Risk Managers and Chief Student Leaders at Texas A&M University. This module is created to provide in-depth information and guidance in navigating potential high-risk activities as a student leader. We hope you will gain a more advanced understanding of what risk management truly means for your student organization.
Officer Training

If you are an advisor or student leader, you must log in before selecting a training module to receive credit.

Officer Essentials
This training session covers the core details of leading a student organization at Texas A&M University. All organization officers are required to complete this course as part of their training.
Officer Essentials Part 2: Student Organization Finance
This course provides a general overview of policies and processes for managing your organization’s financial responsibilities through the Student Organization Finance Center.
Introduction to Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)
The mental health and wellness of every Aggie is important for our university, and your organization, to succeed. This module introduces you to the Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) office and overviews the kind of services they offer to our students. If you see any behaviors or speech from students in any level of your organization that are concerning, or if you think someone could benefit from a simple check-in with our mental health professionals on campus, refer and connect them to the resources found in this module.
Hazing Prevention
Hazing continues to negatively impact the lives of college students across the country. Here at Texas A&M, we are committed to eliminating hazing in our organization community and promoting a positive educational experience for all Aggies. This module defines hazing, outlines accountability measures, and provides additional resources for organizations to enhance their members' experience while avoiding hazing behaviors.
Gambling Activities at Organization Events
When it comes to hosting events that include gambling activities, there are a number of state laws and university rules to be mindful of so your organization does not unknowingly misstep. This module includes procedures for student organizations hosting events that may include bingo, raffles, and silent auctions while also identifying what kinds of gambling activities are prohibited.
The Simple Guide for Special Event Insurance
Navigating the Special Event Insurance process can be confusing. This training overviews the Special Event Insurance process and helps you determine when insurance is an effective tool to utilize as well as knowing when it is necessary.
Effective Officer Transitions and Selection Practices
This module will provide students and advisors with the information and tools necessary for a successful officer transition, a process critical to the longevity of any organization.
Student Organization Travel
For organization events that take place more than 25 miles from Texas A&M's campus, there are a number of laws, rules, and processes that student leaders and advisors need to be aware of. This module will provide you with the necessary information to conducting these events in line with university expectations and focuses on how to ensure these events are safe and effective for your organization.
Sport Clubs Officer Orientation
This is the required training for sport club leaders.
Enhancing Your Communication Skills
Student Organization Recognition Overview
Every year organizations must renew their recognition status with the university. This module provides an overview of the recognition process, defines helpful terms, and instructs you on how to complete this process in the most efficient and effective way.
Ensuring Organization Accessibility
We are committed to making Aggieland an accessibility learning environment for every student, staff member, and guest. Student organization play a critical role in helping make that goal a reality. This module provides a starting point for officers and advisors to understand their responsibility in making their organizations accessible. It also presents resources and suggestions on how to begin the journey of making your organization one in which every Aggie is able to participate.
Responding to Alcohol & Other Drug Usage
While organization leaders and advisors are not responsible for the personal choices of their organization members, there are times where personal choices can interact with organization events. In this module we walk through how to respond and care for fellow Aggies who may be misusing alcohol and other drugs. Our goal is that we all would be prepared to act in an instance where a member of our community may be in danger due to overuse of these substances. In partnership with Health Promotion, we engineered this module to outline how these substances interact with the body and mind, the signs to know if someone may be experiencing health issues, and resources on how to respond most effectively.
Interpersonal Violence Prevention
We are committed to making Aggieland a safe and engaging educational environment for anyone connected to A&M. We also know that, at time, situations of interpersonal violence or inappropriate interactions may happen on our campus or in our organizations. In this module, our partners at Health Promotion help us unpack the many ways Interpersonal Violence could manifest around you and the strategies to use to help prevent these behaviors.
Youth Protection
Any event involving youth participants is required to meet additional expectations from the State of Texas and Texas A&M University. The University Youth Programs office has helped us craft a module to overview the requirements for all university entities who choose to host a program involving youth. This module outlines those expectations for organizations who host such events, as well as identifies necessary resources on our campus to assist you in planning youth events.
Student Organization Marketing and Communications for Officers
This training will provide you with the tools and resources you need to effectively manage the public face of your organization and help build your literacy within the marketing and communications world. Whether you're new to leading a recognized student organization or have been doing it for years, this training module will provide valuable information to help you manage your organization's identity and communicate it to the world.
Advanced Risk Management for Officers
Welcome to the Advanced Risk module, designed for student organization Risk Managers and Chief Student Leaders at Texas A&M University. This module is created to provide in-depth information and guidance in navigating potential high-risk activities as a student leader. We hope you will gain a more advanced understanding of what risk management truly means for your student organization.
Utilizing the Get Involved Event Planning Form
This training will provide you with the tools and resources you need to be able to learn how to utilize the event management function within the Get Involved organization management platform. We hope you gain more insight on how to use this portion of Get Involved for your organization.
SOFC Marketplace Training
TAMU Marketplace is an online mall where student organizations can open a storefront to sell merchandise, collect dues and registration fees, as well as small donations. This module is required for organization members assigned as store clerks for their organization. Each organization must submit an updated Marketplace Agreement and all users must complete this training annually to retain access to store management. For questions regarding this module or Marketplace, please contact