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Biomedical Research Certificate Expo

Date Range:
November 14, 2019 to November 14, 2019
Event Type:
Veterinary & Biomedical Education Complex (VENI, VIDI)
Brief Description: The Biomedical Research Certificate (BRC) Expo is an event that involves connecting biomedical undergraduate researchers in the BRC program with biomedical professionals (i.e., MDs, DVMs, researchers, etc.), research faculty and the presentation of high caliber student research associated with the BRC program.
As a sponsored event, the afternoon sessions of the BRC Expo (now Biomedical Research Forum) will focus on recruitment of student for the university-based certificate program. The BRC is open to all majors across the campus and the afternoon of the expo will act as an introduction and recruitment conference for any students interested in the certificate program. It gives prospective students the opportunity to get to meet faculty, learn more about the program and talk to students currently in the program.
Contact Information:
Luke Lyons